Flowering now 4

Our member Jean has been weathering the storms and rain in her extensive garden and there’s plenty to see and enjoy even on a grey and drizzly afternoon. Almost all of Jean’s orchids are grown outside, hanging under trees, growing on trees, and in pots.

Her dancing ladies-type Oncidium may only have one spike, but that spike is abundant with flowers. Photo: Sandra Simpson

Sobralia, possibly virginalis, grows in a big clump in the garden. Although the flowers last only a short while, the plants produce a good number of them over an extended period. Jean’s pink-flowered Sobralia, growing nearby, hasn’t bloomed this year. Photo: Sandra Simpson
An unnamed Epiphyllum grows in amongst the bromeliads. Photo: Sandra Simpson
These Stanhaopea nigroviolacea flowers are just coming to their end, but the plant has had multiple stems that have flowered sequentially. Jean says the scent is gorgeous while she’s mowing the lawn. Photo: Sandra Simpson
The native orchid Earina autumnalis (Ruapeka, Easter orchid) has a sweet vanilla scent on a warm day. Photo: Sandra Simpson