Flowering now 3

Inspired by John’s visual record of his summer-flowering orchids, Sandra decided to share some that she’s been enjoying at home.

Stanhopea tigrina is native to Mexico and is a cool- to warm-growing species. Like all Stanhopeas, the flowers are short lived (3-5 days) but the scent is magnificent. Photo: Sandra Simpson
Stanhopea wardii is found in nature in central America, Colombia and Venezuela. A speaker at a club meeting cast some doubt on the species ‘wardii’ being in New Zealand so if anyone has another ID for this plant let us know. Photo: Sandra Simpson

Read more about this genus at the Stanhopea Culture website.

Another beautifully scented orchid is Maxillaria tenuifolia, which exudes a coconut-like perfume. This orchid has been flowering since late December. It is found from Mexico to Costa Rica from sea-level to about 1500m. Photo: Sandra Simpson

It took Sandra a long time to have any Masdevallias in her collection, but all she needed was one ‘easy’ plant to encourage her to try a few more.

That easy plant was Masdevallia Paul Martinod ‘Tom’s Special’, a reliable bloomer, flushing 2 or 3 times a year. Photo: Sandra Simpson
Masdevallia Sugar Baby is a primary hybrid with strong colour. Photo: Sandra Simpson
Masdevallia Firebrand has small flowers, but generally throws two or three stems at once (it’s still a small plant). This is another primary hybrid and was registered by New Plymouth District Council in 1993. Photo: Sandra Simpson

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