Table display 6

More photos from Sandra Simpson.

This Coelogyne cristata var. lemoniana is grown in a plastic windowbox and does very well in it with the flowers cascading down the sides. Grown outside year-round. The variety is not named for its pale lemon throat but for Sir Charles Lemon who, in the 19th century, had a renowned garden in Cornwall.
An unnamed Phalaenopsis.
A pretty flower that wouldn’t have made it to the show anyway – Sandra snapped the top of the spike off while attempting to stake it! Cymbidium (Claudona x Valley Rajah) x Miss Muffet ‘Agate’.
Restrepia subserrata (syn. Restrepia trichoglossa). This small orchid from northern South America (Colombia, Ecuador) and southern Central America likes to be kept damp year-round.
Restrepia elegans has a larger flower than some of its cousins.
Maxillaria porphyrostele is native to Brazil. Sandra grows it outside under shadecloth during the summer.
Sandra almost missed her first flowering of Coelogyne flaccida, which was on a shelf outside the shadehouse but behind other plants. Normally, the flowers of this plant are creamy-white, but there is a ‘buff’ or ‘apricot’ form too and it turns out this is what Sandra got from a club auction back in 2018.
This is a hybrid of Dockrillia linguiforme x pugioniformis, two species orchids, native to Australia.

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